Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 10/365 - Stairway to Heaven

It was another beautiful autumn day, so I went for a long walk on the Capital Crescent Trail this afternoon. The trail starts in the Georgetown section of DC and curves up to Silver Spring in Maryland. It was converted from the trackbed of an old railroad line and runs in between the C&O Canal and the Potomac River. It’s much more secluded than the Mt. Vernon Trail and there are so many trees bordering it that in sections it’s like going through a leafy tunnel.

This picture is of the wooden staircase leading down from the C&O Canal Towpath to the head of the Capital Crescent Trail. I got lucky while I was walking along the canal. They had a team of mules towing along a barge full of tourists. This was the first time I’d seen the barge moving. Usually when I pass by the canal the barge is just moored to the bank. I’ve been meaning to take that tour for years but still haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe one of these days.

(Taken with my Nikon D80)

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