Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 88/365 - Alter Ego

If I could be any fictional character ever, I'd be Indiana Jones. He's been my favorite ever since Raiders of the Lost Ark came out when I was in junior high school. Indy is a perfect storm of varied interests for me -- travel, adventure, romance, mystery, treasure, history, other cultures, and the 1930s. I love the Indy books, comics, movies, games, and tv show. I'm one of the (apparently) few who even enjoyed the most recent movie. To be fair, though, I probably enjoyed it more for the fact that it gave me a chance to see my favorite character on the big screen again and to buy some new merchandise than for any inherent value it had as a movie.

So what fictional character would you be if you could?

(Taken with my Nikon D80)

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