I've been thinking about buying this book for a while now. Given that I have a Y chromosome, I've never read any of Jane Austen's stuff. I thought I should probably read the original before I read the spoof, but then I figured when am I ever going to read the straight version? So screw it, bring on the zombies!
I like a lot of chick flicks but I've never gotten into chick lit, either contemporary or classic. (Hopefully my use of the term 'chick' here doesn't offend anyone. I don't mean it to be condescending. I just use it as the female equivalent of dude.) Never read Austen or whoever it was that wrote the "Litte Women" books. I have toyed with the idea of reading "Bridget Jones Diary" though. That sounded like it could be pretty entertaining. I've always had a secret urge to read the Nancy Drew books, too. One of these days I'm going to break down and order them off Amazon.
I did have to read "Wuthering Heights" in college once and hated it. Everyone in that book was annoying. I just wanted to kick them all in the shins and tell them to get over it already. Now that was a book that could have seriously used a few zombies. Or at least a vampire.
(Taken with my Nikon Coolpix S200)
I'm a "chick" and I don't like Little Women or Jane Austen. Boooooring! I'd read that zombie version in a hot minute, though. Buy it -- you know you want to. If you need an excuse say that an anonymous internet lurker pseudo-troll told you to. LOL
Thanks (for both the encouragement to read it and the visit). I'm going to give it a read and see how it turns out. I'll update this post once I've read it to let you know how it is.
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