Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 35/365 - Me, Myself & Eye

For this week's self-portrait we have my right eye (apologies for how gross it kinda looks in large format). My right eye isn't much different from my left, apart from having slightly worse vision.

My eyes used to be plain solid brown, but as I've gotten older they've changed color until now they're a kind of hazel that has brown, green, and yellowy parts all mixed up together (the little brown splotch at about the 8 o'clock position on my iris is the color my entire eye used to be). I'm curious to see if they'll keep changing color and eventually wind up green or something.

I used to think my Pops was a bit batty because he has always said that his eyes changed color as he got older and my Mom always told him we was full of beans because eyes don't change color. Turns out they do.

Chalk another one up for Pops.

(Taken with my Nikon Coolpix S200)

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