flick⋅er /ˈflɪkər/ [flik-er]
–verb (used without object)
1. to burn unsteadily; shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind and went out.
2. to move to and fro; vibrate; quiver: The long grasses flickered in the wind.
3. to flutter.
–verb (used with object)
4. to cause to flicker.
5. an unsteady flame or light.
6. a flickering movement.
7. a brief occurrence or appearance: a flicker of hope.
8. Slang. A motion picture.
9. Ophthalmology. the visual sensation of flickering that occurs when the interval between intermittent flashes of light is too long to permit fusion.
bef. 1000; ME flikeren (v.) OE flicorian to flutter; c. D flikkeren
This was just a fill-in shot because I spent the entire day sitting on my couch watching old movies about Broadway and touring companies, producers trying to stage shows, understudies becoming stars, and lots of singing and dancing. Because of that I didn't have anything to take photos of today, so I just looked around my apartment and shot this candle. After I started trying to think of a title for it though I realized it was the perfect shot for today.
Flicker is 1930s slang for a movie and its homonym is Flickr. So this shot manages to capture two of my loves -- old movies and photography. Plus it sort of looks like a melted tomato, and that's just cool.
(Taken with my Nikon D90)
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